The European Unnion as a Challenge to Representative Democracy
Presentation at the Workshop "Challenges to representative Democracy", ESF-Netzwerk THE POLITICS AND HISTORY OF EUROPEAN DEMOCRATISATION (PHED), Kopenhagen, December 16th and 17th
Die Identität Europas - ein Balanceakt zwischen partikularen,
nationalen und universellen Werten
(The Identity of Europe - an Act of Balance Between Particular and Universal Values), presentation at the interdisciplinary conference "Die Werte Europas. Verfassungspatriotismus und Wertegemeinschaft in der EU?", University Hannover, July 8th and 9th
Vom Dissertationsprojekt zur Tagung
(From Conception of a Ph.D. Project to a Conference Organization), Presentation on the Occasion of the inspection for evaluation of the Graduate Centre of Cultural Studies in Giessen, June 9th
Flexicurity versus Employability?! Überlegungen zu grundsätzlichen Reformnotwendigkeiten im deutschen Sozialstaat
(Flexicurity versus Employability?! Considerations about General reforms of the German Social State), Presentation at the conference "Von der Statussicherung zur Eigenverantwortung? Das deutsche Sozialmodell im gesellschaftlichen Umbruch", spring conference at the research Institut "Arbeit, Bildung, Partizipation" (FIAB, Ruhr-University Bochum), Recklinghausen, April 22th and 23th
La Reforme du Secteur Publique en Allemagne: Tendances et Tensions
Presentation at the conference "LA FONCTION PUBLIQUE FACE A LA CULTURE DU RESULTAT" Colloque à l'institut de préparation à l'administration générale, Université de Bretagne occidentale (U.B.O.), Brest, France, April 7th and 8th
Women's Partial Citizenship
Presentation at the Workshop "Representative Democracy and the Politics of Gender" des ESF-Netzwerks THE POLITICS AND HISTORY OF EUROPEAN DEMOCRATISATION (PHED), Fondazione Einaudi, Turin, February 18th and 19th
Just published:
New monograph:
Wiesner, Claudia. 2024. Politicisation, Democratisation and EU Identity. London: Routledge. Open Access.
New articles:
Harfst, Philipp and Claudia Wiesner 2024: Measuring Political Legitimacy in Two Dimensions: Internal and External Measures. Frontiers in Politcal Science. 6:880709. doi:10.3389/fpos.2024.999743;
Wiesner, Claudia. 2023. Actors, concepts, controversies: the conceptual politics of European integration, Political Research Exchange, 5:1, Open Access. DOI: 10.1080/2474736X.2023.2258173
Wiesner, Claudia. 2023. “Conceptualising Politicisation as Activity: The Politics of the 2019 EP Elections.” Journal of Contemporary European Studies (online first): 1–14. doi:10.1080/14782804.2023.2224246.
Knodt, Michèle, and Claudia Wiesner. 2023. “Mit Einer Neuen Realität Konfrontiert: Die Auswirkungen Des Angriffskrieges Gegen Die Ukraine Auf Die Europäische Union.” integration 46 (3): 202–12, Open Access,
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