Euro Crisis as Democracy Crisis? Paper at the international conference "How Far can European (Democratic) Integration Travel", May 23th, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
State-Government-Parliamets-Citizenship: Concepts and Challenge to Democratizing the European Union, Paper at the international conference " Challenges to European Democracy Meets South-Asian Realities", May 22, Quaidi-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
The European Parliament as a Special Parliament, at the IPSA World Conference 2012, Section: Political Theory, Panel: Parliamentarism, Rhetorix, and Political Theory, Madrid, July 8th-12th
Conceptual Change and the EU: Re-Thinking Key Conceptual Clusters. Paper presented at the "Politics of Contingency Conference" of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Political Thought and Conceptual Change, Helsinki, August 12th and 13th
Bürgerschaft, Demokratie und Gerechtigkeit in der EU (Citizenship, Democracy and Justice in the EU), in: Kreide, Regina / Landwehr, Claudia / Töns, Katrin: "Demokratie und Gerechtigkeit in Verteilungskonflikten", Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 185-210
Was ist Europäische Identität, und wie entsteht sie? Normative, methodische und empirische Überlegungen und Ergebnisse (What is European Identity, and How Does it Emerge?) Paper at the Common Conference of DVPW, ÖGPW und SVPW), Osnabrück, November 22th and 23th
European Identity and National Discourses on Europe. A comparative View on Germany and France. Centre de Recherche Politiques de Sciences Po (CEVIPOF), Forschungsseminar politische Soziologie, Paris, January 31th
A Positive Example for International Legalisation? European Basic Rights, Citizenship Politics and Building of International Norms. Paper at the "Sixth Pan-European International Relations Conference" of the Standing Group on International Relations (SGIR), Turin, Italy, Septmeber 12th-15th
Challenged Constructions of "Us" and "Them" in the current French National Narrative. Paper held at the International Conference "The Construction of Us and Them", Universität Helsinki, September 7th and 8th
The European Union a Challenge to Representative Democracy, Paper for the Workshop "Challenges to Representative Democracy" des ESF-Netzwerkes THE POLITICS AND HISTORY OF EUROPEAN DEMOCRATISATION (PHED), Kopenhagen, December 16th-17th
Women's Partial Citizenship. Paper presented at the Workshop "Representative Democracy and the Politics of Gender" of the ESF-Network THE POLITICS AND HISTOY OF EUROPEAN DEMOCRATISATION (PHED), Fondazione Einaudi, Turin, February 18th and 19th
Bürgerschaft in Europa. Vision oder Realität? (Citizenship in Europe, Vision or Reality?) Paper at the Conference, "Herausforderungen an politische Kultur und demokratisches Regieren heute", of the section "Kultur und Gesellschaft" of the "Gießener Graduiertenzentrum für Kulturwissenschaften", November, 19th and 20th, Giessen
Unterricht, Schule und Schulmanagement als Felder bürgerschaftlichen Engagements: grundlegende Fragen und neutrale Punkte der Öffnung von Schulen (Lessons, Schools and School Management as Fields of Civil Society Activities), in: Bürgerschaftliches Engagement als Bildungsziel in der Schule, Dokumentation der bundesweiten Fachtagung, October 29th-30th in Mainz; Editor: Bundesnetzwerk bürgerschaftliches Engagement, Berlin, pp.46-48
Unterricht, Schule und Schulmanagement als Felder bürgerschaftlichen Engagements: grundlegende Fragen und neutrale Punkte der Öffnung von Schulen (Lessons, Schools and School Management as Fields of Civil Society Activities), in: Bürgerschaftliches Engagement als Bildungsziel in der Schule, Dokumentation der bundesweiten Fachtagung, October 29th-30th in Mainz; Editor: Bundesnetzwerk bürgerschaftliches Engagement, Berlin, pp.46-48
Local Policy Networks in the Programme "Social City" - a Case Point for New Forms of Governance in the Field of Local Urban Planning, Paper, ECPR-Joint Sessions in Uppsala, April 13th-18th
Just published:
New monograph:
Wiesner, Claudia. 2024. Politicisation, Democratisation and EU Identity. London: Routledge. Open Access. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003408703
New articles:
Harfst, Philipp and Claudia Wiesner 2024: Measuring Political Legitimacy in Two Dimensions: Internal and External Measures. Frontiers in Politcal Science. 6:880709. doi:10.3389/fpos.2024.999743;
Wiesner, Claudia. 2023. Actors, concepts, controversies: the conceptual politics of European integration, Political Research Exchange, 5:1, Open Access. DOI: 10.1080/2474736X.2023.2258173
Wiesner, Claudia. 2023. “Conceptualising Politicisation as Activity: The Politics of the 2019 EP Elections.” Journal of Contemporary European Studies (online first): 1–14. doi:10.1080/14782804.2023.2224246.
Knodt, Michèle, and Claudia Wiesner. 2023. “Mit Einer Neuen Realität Konfrontiert: Die Auswirkungen Des Angriffskrieges Gegen Die Ukraine Auf Die Europäische Union.” integration 46 (3): 202–12, Open Access, https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/10.5771/0720-5120-2023-3-202/mit-einer-neuen-realitaet-konfrontiert-die-auswirkungen-des-angriffskrieges-gegen-die-ukraine-auf-die-europaeische-union-jahrgang-46-2023-heft-3?page=1
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